if you look closely Sydney and Alyssa are holding hands...she is going to be missed!
Courtney slept practically the whole way home after she finished up the bag of fritos!
At a rest stop for some soccer fun
and the girls love to pose for the camera now!
Walking to the River Walk in San Antonio
on the river walk in SA. It is so beautiful. I wish we could have spent more time there!
Sam is still the best modeler!
We took a boat ride on the river!
very cool building that looks like it's only one sided
In front of the Alamo. We didnt go in because the line went around the block.
Eating at a non chain restaurant on the River Walk. It was sorta sad how many chains were there.
Playing the guitar at Pa's house
fun times on the fourwheelers!
Pa finally came home and the kids were so excited to see him.
Ryan teaching Sam all about Pa's electric guitar!
A future country western singer?
At the Houston Rodeo. Look at all that meet! The Turkey legs were delish!! Sydney practically ate one all to her self
Way to many people. It was free kid day so there were a ton of kids and the wits for the rides were a little longer then normal
Me and the twinks onthe balloon ride. Courtney loved all the rides and Sydney was scared of a lot of them. She wouldnt get on unless I went too!
Kaitlyn and Sam on the rollercoaster
Rhonda Sydney Courtney and I all in a row on the Merry go round. Syndey in the middle of the ride decided she wanted to be with me and tried to get down. Rhonda caught her. Silly and Scary!
Samantha won her very first carnival prize by throwing a ball and having it land on yellow. It's a stuffed penguin! She was very happy but we accidently left it in TX.
We went Old McDonald Farm near their cousins house. It was really fun. It had lots of playgrounds and animals to pet and even a train ride around the park.
Courtney had to pet the donkey!
and Auntie Rhonda ended the day with tasty popsicles!
She is just so adorable sleeping w her Beary
The last couple days I got sick (sinus infection and a nasty cough) so the drive home was pretty miserable. Jon drove the entire way home and we started in some pretty crazy rain!