Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Father's Day
Jon did something to his back while playing ice hockey last Monday night. He has been in utter pain for a few days now. He finally went to a chiropractor and it's starting to feel a little better. So for his big day he decided he wanted to go "Jeepers Amusement Park" that way the kids could run around and have a ton o fun and he could pretty much sit. The girls and I made him a book of him and his girls all year long and a new headphones w a speaker for his iphone. It was a fun day but not the waterslides like he wanted to do. Poor guy!

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Yesterday Sydney had to get a little filling on her back right tooth. Both the twinks baby teeth have weak enamel so this probably wont be the last time it happens. The dentist told me I need to have them stay away from sweet drinks and no soda which we pretty much already do so I have a feeling this will be happening again. Plus they are suppose to brush their teeth twice a day which we are really bad at. Really good at the before bed part but bad at the after breakfast part. They wanted to "gas" her for the procedure but I really didnt want to do that to her so they tried it with out it and she did great! (Saved me $55 bucks too) She stayed still the whole time but at one point she cried a little bit. I really like this dentist. He kept giving her little breaks so she would have to have her mouth open the whole time. It was a procedure that should have been 5 minutes but they made it last 10 so she was happy. She is watching the movie "monsters and aliens" which is on the screen on the ceiling so that kept her distracted.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
AZ science museum
Yesterday we went to the AZ science museum for Kim's birthday. I had never been before. Kim thought the PHX children's museum and the science museum were the same so when we drove up to the kids museum we realized it was two different places. The children's museum is more for kids 8 and under and we had Jack with us so he would have been bored. The AZ science museum was really cool. My kids were a little young for it but they enjoyed themselves. Sam got picked to help out w a little experiment...
They had a lot of really cool things for the kids to do. It was really hands on. This was a shadow wall where you triedn to catch the balls coming down the screen~!

We stopped by Baskin Robins for a treat afterwards! It was a fun day!
They had a lot of really cool things for the kids to do. It was really hands on. This was a shadow wall where you triedn to catch the balls coming down the screen~!

We stopped by Baskin Robins for a treat afterwards! It was a fun day!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
the kitty and the fairy video
I know they are a little long but these are going to be golden to watch in about 20 years!
Monday, June 14, 2010
this past weekend the weather here was perfect. On Saturday I dont think it even reached 90* so we spent a good portion of it outside. After dinner we even headed down to the park for some fun! It was crazy busy. I guess everybody was thinking the same thing. Living here in the summer is like living in WA in the winter except when it gets cool everyone heads outside here. It's impossible to play out side when it's 100+ so you spend our summer days inside and our winter days outside! Crazy!
Courtney's new model face...have no clue where it comes from but for the last few days she puckers up!
Here Courtney is getting a little help from her Dad

On Sunday it got to be about 95* so we headed up to Surprise (well we were going to go to Rio Vista splash park but it was WAY crowded) we packed a picnic and the kids played for an hour or so. Afterwards we went to Culvers for some frozen custard! YUMMY
The Phoenix Children's Museum
Today I spontaneously took the girls to the children's museum. We are members and we havent gone in a long time. They have a new exhibit where it's like a big play place like McDonalds has but way better. It's made out of metal, wood and has the rock climbing things to crawl up some big tubes. I was a little mad because Courtney was crying when she was at the top because she couldnt figure out how to get back down. I started to go up but the guy told me I couldnt take my bag. We packed a lunch so I one of those cloth grocery bags and my purse. So I put the grocery bag in the cubby they provide and started up again. the guy repeats "no bags" and I was like it's my purse. "No bags" You have got to be kidding me, my kids crying and he wont let me pass because I have my backpack purse on. He then points to the lockers (.50 cents) I was so irritated! I finally saw Sam and told her to get Courtney while I put the bags in the locker. Then I headed up. I went all over that dang thing and they were already down and playing with the wind wall! UGH!
Classsic Sydney pose!
One of their favorite things to do is paint the Castle!
todays craft was hats!
plus free face painting
even the 15 minute line we had to wait in wasnt bad!
they were very bummed when I washed their faces tonight!
Sam waited patiently for the "boys" to be done playing on this so she could have a turn!
a rock w a hole in it!
Courtney crawled through and must have laid on her bladder because she said she had to go...but then she got out and said nope I dont have to!
I tried really hard to get a picture with all three girls but the twinks didnt want anything to do with that. Courtney kept saying "no, Sydney just me!
at one point they were starting to push themselves off the rock
my little modeler!
the twinks making "snow angels"
Samantha then proceeded to through the biggest fit she has thrown in a long time. It lasted a good 10 minutes and it was super embarrassing. She wanted to get her picture taken with "the babies" (she still calls them that) but they didnt want anything to do with that. They were to busy playing and really didnt want to! I was trying to get them to go to the car but Sam jsut sat there and screamed and cried like it was the end of the world. I grabbed the twinks hands and got them to the car but Sam just wouldnt stop. She jsut wanted me to take her picture. She looked horrible, she had tears streaming down her face and they looked all puffy so I jsut wasnt got to do it. i did take a short video once we got to the car but she looks so pathetic I wont post it for the world to see! All and all it was a fun little outing. I think we'll go back again on Weds!

Samantha then proceeded to through the biggest fit she has thrown in a long time. It lasted a good 10 minutes and it was super embarrassing. She wanted to get her picture taken with "the babies" (she still calls them that) but they didnt want anything to do with that. They were to busy playing and really didnt want to! I was trying to get them to go to the car but Sam jsut sat there and screamed and cried like it was the end of the world. I grabbed the twinks hands and got them to the car but Sam just wouldnt stop. She jsut wanted me to take her picture. She looked horrible, she had tears streaming down her face and they looked all puffy so I jsut wasnt got to do it. i did take a short video once we got to the car but she looks so pathetic I wont post it for the world to see! All and all it was a fun little outing. I think we'll go back again on Weds!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
This week Sam had Vacation Bible School at the Church. It was everyday from 9-12.It gave us a glimpse of what a school week is going to be like that's for sure. She had a blast but by Weds, Thursday she was getting a little tired of getting up. (Kindergarten starts at 7:55) They learned a lot of new songs and a new Bible verse everyday. Her group was the Red Monkeys and Karen Bolte was her group leader. On Friday night they had a bbq and a little program where they showed pictures of their times through the week and they sang us songs. We brought Jessica along with us. It was a fun evening!

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Yesterday we got coupons for free nail polish at Ulta. It was for really good $8 Opi nail polish too. Sam wanted to go then but I thought it would be a perfect outing for today. Sam had her 3rd day of Vacation Bible School today so after it was over we headed down. The girls were really excited. Courtney wanted purple, Sydney wanted Gold and Sam said she wanted to wait to see all the colors. We get there and start looking around for the brand on the coupon and I couldnt find it so I went up and asked the cashier. She then informed me that they no longer were taking the coupon since this morning and showed me a little piece of paper that said "blah blah blah sorry for the inconvience." Here I am in a store with three girly girls who want their nail polish. I wasnt going to buy them nail polish there. Tears were flowing and I am trying to explain that we will go across the street to Target to pick it out. I wasnt going to give this company any money, that was like a bait and switch tactic, get us in the store because of a coupon and then not take it. I had a few other things I was going to buy too but nope, Target got my business. Hindsight we should have gone yesterday but oh well. Once we got to Target Courtney found a purply shiny silvery color, Sydney found one in blue that was all shiny silvery too and Sam picked the gold. So I spent $6 bucks that I wasnt expecting to spend today but my kids now have colored toenails...well most of them are colored we went swimming an hour after I painted them so some rubbed off!
proper words
Today Jessica came over for a swim and dinner. Samantha and her were swimming around and Sam must have said her swimsuit was in her "poepoe" that's the term I've used for her female parts. Jessica asked why she called it that. Sam said what is it called then. A vagina. Sam said that's funny it sounds like China. Then Sam said boys have weiners (I dont know where that one came from because we never called it that) I said no boys have a penis which made Jessica (whose 8) and Sam giggle. Ahhh parenthood!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
breaking all the rules!
Tonight is Tuesday which usually means tacos but tonight we were out of tortillas. We did have hard shells but they didnt want anything to do with those...so Papa Johns pizza it was!! I felt kinda bad since we did do Sonic for lunch so it wasnt the healthiest of days! We were watching Winx a cartoon that was recorded in the play room so I broke the rules and let the girls eat their pizza in there (I did make them eat veggies too before they got there dessert so score 1 point for me) Poor Courtney didnt eat here pizza just her cucumbers so she didnt get any dessert. Then right before bed she ate all her pizza up and thought she'd get dessert was very upset when I told her no. This house is also a pigsty upstairs...toys are everywhere but I was just to dang tired and HOT to even try and make the kids pick up tonight...there is always tomorrow!
On a different not...We went to the library today and Sydney picked out a kids book in Spanish. Sure wish my niece Alexa was here to read it to her because I am going to butcher it all up! Sam read it to her though in what she thought the book was about. It was a great story!!
On a different not...We went to the library today and Sydney picked out a kids book in Spanish. Sure wish my niece Alexa was here to read it to her because I am going to butcher it all up! Sam read it to her though in what she thought the book was about. It was a great story!!
twinks go to the dentist!
The other night I noticed Sydney's back right molar was very discolored almost black. I tried to scrape it with a toothpick but I couldnt get away. I was thinking man arent we awful parents to finally notice something like that. We do brush her teeth every night and I hadnt seen it that color before. So I made appointments for the twinks first dental visit. They were very excited. I was filling out the paper work when the hygienist came out and asked me all the questions I was just putting on paper. I brought Rachel with me just in case one was more of a pain then the other. When it was time to go in the back to get their cleaning they grabbed the hygienist hand and said bye mom. I was like ok I'll finish up the paper work and go on back.
I went back and they were both being really good laying there getting there teeth cleaned. They had already gotten their xrays and they told me they were being very good!
They get to wear sunglasses and they have movies playing on the ceiling.
They both have weak enamel and their teeth are close together so we need to really work on brushing twice a day and flossing at least once. Poor Syds "black" tooth has to get a heavy sealant on it.
Courtney was a trooper through out the whole thing.
They each got to pick something out of the treasure chest and they each got a balloon, a toothbrush and a tee shirt. If they wear the tee shirt on their next visit they get to pick out 2 things from the treasure chest! all in all it was a great experience!

"I have to go to the potty"
The twinks have both been potty trained during the day for a couple months now. (Still working on the night time though.) Courtney has been pretty much since January and Syd April but they still have to run around the house looking for me to tell me they have to go. I just say "OK then go you dont have to tell me" and they go by themselves. I could be upstairs and they look everywhere to tell me even when they are sitting right next to the bathroom. Very odd!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
dang birds

The girls keep asking to go camping but now that the weather here is scorching the last thing Jon wants to do is sleep outside. Last night it was still in the 90's at 11 pm...not to comfortable to sleep in so we set up the tent in the house and it seemed to make them happy. The tent is a little to small for all three to sleep in so Sam slept on the couch. She was a little bummed at first and went upstairs to her room but decided that she did want to sleep on the couch after all. She was mainly bummed because she thought Jon and I were going to sleep on the couch too! It took a little bit to get them all asleep but they finally did...until midnight that's when they were up and down for most of the night. Jon said he went down 4 times and I went down once. At 4 am he went downstairs and the twinks were in the play room with the lights on coloring and just chatting away. Good thing those two dont share a room! When I woke up this morning Sydney was sleeping by the sliding glass door pretty much under the kitchen table, Sam was happy in her spot and Courtney was in her bed (she went there at 4 after Jon caught them partying) Kinda freaked me out since she was no where to be seen.

Friday, June 4, 2010
it's hot
Now that the weather is HOT our days will now be spent cooling down in the pool. The po a nice 84* right now so it's pretty nice floating around! Sydney pretty much has the swimming thing down but Courtney has absolutely no desire whatsoever to get rid of a floaty. I try and try to have her practice but she screams and gets out of the pool and says "I no like it" I know eventually she'll get it but man I wish it was sooner rather then later!

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