Friday, July 29, 2011
Vacation Bible School
The church put on a a fun VBS this week. It was "Pandamania!" They were super excited each morning to go. They learned a bunch of new songs and made new friends! I of course loved having 2 1/2 of doing nothing and that is pretty much what I did. I had good intentions of going to the gym and cleaning the house but nope I just watched tv and just relaxed! I did spend one morning shopping at target. It was exactly what I needed and the kids had fun too!
Monday, July 25, 2011
woodland park zoo
Friday Jon took the day off (well he did go in from 7-9:30) and we went to Seattle to the zoo. We met Alexa, Lori and Trinity, Treva and her girls Bailey and Thea. Lot's of kids and a really great time. We spent 5 hours there and we still didnt see all of it!

the kids just love crawling all over the animal statues they have throughout the park...and they always tell me to take pictures of them with them.

Courtney --funny story-- Courtney had to go to the bathroom. We were standing in line in the restroom and she really wants to go in the "zebra" stall. Each stall has a different animal. So we wait. for that one to opne since really isnt going to go in the ones that are opening up. She is standing firm and really wants to go in the zebra stall. No to the peacock, no to the gorilla, no to the lion, no the monkey, no to the gorilla again...well you get the picture. The lady finally is done in the zebra and she is so excited we go in their and she yells "man, it's so stinky!" I just laughed and said well what do you think that lady was doing in here for so long????

After the zoo we headed over to Alexa's and met up with Bernt. We went to pizza and we were going to go the movies but we all were pretty tired so headed back home. Next time!
After the zoo we headed over to Alexa's and met up with Bernt. We went to pizza and we were going to go the movies but we all were pretty tired so headed back home. Next time!
Sand fight!
the twinks started a sand fight and about 10 minutes into Samantha got in on the action. They spent a good half hour throwing sand at each other. They were laughing and having a grand ol time!

When it was time to go we walked out on to the road and lo and behold there was Papa driving by in his pick up! The girls jumped in the back and we road home!. They sure didnt like getting squirted down with the hose!
When it was time to go we walked out on to the road and lo and behold there was Papa driving by in his pick up! The girls jumped in the back and we road home!. They sure didnt like getting squirted down with the hose!
fun w the Frere's
Last week while we were staying out at Birch Bay my good friend Kelly and her family came out for the afternoon evening. The kids swam, we all walked down to the C shop and took our time walking back on the beach, Ended the day with a wienie roast on the beach! Good ol wholesome fun day!
Sam and Brooks hit it off well. I said man if they were 14 and 16 I might be a little worried :)
we took a group shot then Sydney came up to me and whispered she wasnt smiling right and she wanted to take another one...
swim lessons
Teacher Amber and the girls!
Samantha and Sydney have got this whole swimming thing down. Courtney does when she wants to but is more skittish of the water. She loves playing it with a floaty or in the shallow end but the minute she cant touch the ground she sort of freaks out. Amber the swim teacher figured out on the last day of swim lessons that as long as she is in front of her she'll swim. Just have to keep on practicing!!
Samantha and Sydney have got this whole swimming thing down. Courtney does when she wants to but is more skittish of the water. She loves playing it with a floaty or in the shallow end but the minute she cant touch the ground she sort of freaks out. Amber the swim teacher figured out on the last day of swim lessons that as long as she is in front of her she'll swim. Just have to keep on practicing!!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
the jelly belly bus
took the kids into town to go see the jelly belly bus. We were disappointed that it was broke down and it was just a VW bug. We did get to play the game where you spin the wheel and where it lands you have to try one it could either be good or bad. The twins both spun and got "blue berry or toothpaste" they both ended up with toothpaste which they liked. Sam spun and it landed on "Caramel corn or moldy cheese" thankfully she got the caramel corn. I landed on spinners choice and it was either "coconut or diaper wipes" Yay for coconut! I read one that was pear or boogers but none of my kids (or me) wanted to take that chance! The grocery store also had a 50% off special so the kids and I each filled up a bag! We also filled one up with just black licorice and few raspberries for Jon! got close to 4 lbs of jelly bellies. I want to take them on the tour of the factory in Fairfield, CA next time we are down there.
Friday, July 15, 2011
For some reason Sam is now afraid of elevators. On the way to Seattle today we were coming into the city and you can see the Space Needle. She decided a few months ago that is where she wants to go for her 7th b'day. Well she sees it and says "we are going to there for my birthday but I am kinda afraid to because we have to take the elevator up and I dont want to get stuck." I told her that would probably never happen but if it does they have safeguards to get us out. The we went to Alexa's new apartment it's on the 3rd floor of the building. We took the elevator up and she didnt say anything about it. The kids just took turns pushing the buttons going up and down. No big deal but then on the way home from our fun filled day (next post) she tells me that when we go to Alexas next time and forever we have to take the stairs because she is afraid of being stuck in the elevator. Ok now I am thinking what is this all about so I text Alexa and tell her the conversation I just had and she said that Sam mentioned something to her about it that afternoon too. Alexa told her it was more likely that she would get hit by a car walking on the sidewalk then being stuck in the elevator. (great now she's probably going to be freaked out walking on the street!) When I got home I told Jon about it and he said it was probably his fault because the other day when he was in an elevator with her at the public library he started jumping up and down in it and it freaked her out so much that he had to stop.(see what I dealing with here...) so I guess from now on we will be taking the stairs, it's better for us anyways!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Jump around fun zone
The kids have been wanting to go the jump house place for the past couple days. The hours are weird so today we finally made. I found it kinda strange that courtney and samantha spent pretty much the whole time playing with blocks. I asked if they just wanted to go home and they said "no sydney is bouncing."
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Home madeWater park
The girls made a water park this afternoon. They played for a bit but then Sydney said "can we do this on a warmer day?" Ah the joys of living in WA. I know I shouldn't complain but the rest of the country is having a heat wave and I am still in jeans!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Everon Days
Yesterday Samantha was in her first Parade! I didnt go I stayed behind and had a garage sale with Leah, Alexa, Bernt and Dana. Papa, Jon and the twinks went and watched. They brought home a bag full of candy that was right up there with Halloween!

They had the perfect spot to watch. Small town living!
They had the perfect spot to watch. Small town living!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
more fun in the sun
July 5th was a most excellent day at the beach. The weather was perfect and the kids had a blast! Just wish Jon was with us but he had to work! we were going to head on back to the ranch that day but it was so nice Sam really wanted to stay. So we did! After the sandy beach I took them to the pool so they could rinse off in the showers there and swim for awhile. I was hoping that they would go to sleep earlier then usual since we spent so much time in the sun and swimming but it was another 10:30 night...these kids love to stay up late and sleep in! One day Courtney slept in until noon! I had to wake her up and she was raring to go...I guess I should be waking them up earlier in hopes that they got to bed earlier but that seems to never work for me!! 
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