Monday, September 5, 2011

crab licenses...

we got our licenses to catch crab a week from last Thursday. We got about some crabs over the weekend. we kept going out and checking the pots...this past Thursday Papa had them all in his pocket and he ended up walking out deeper then he thought and they fell out of his pocket. So Friday he felt bad and bought us duplicates (more expensive then the license was originally because all the prices went up on the 1st) then Jon went out Saturday morning and he ended up losing all the licenses...ugh! My dad ended up buying one of his own so we can at least now get 5 a day...but then today we went out to check the pots and something went wrong with the engine and now it doesnt go forward. Thankfully it was just me and him out there. He ended rowing us back into shore! And we only got one crab so we kept it in the pot to get later!
What an adventure! Next year we will be carrying a big tackle box and keeping the licesens in there gallon ziplocs are to easy to lose!

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