Monday, August 16, 2010

clothes and Sydney

Sydney is the determined one. The one that doesnt like to change her mind or have anyone change it for her. This morning was one of those mornings. 6:30 comes rather earlier for us all. The coffee isnt made, the sleep is still in our eyes but we roll with it...unless your Sydney. last night the twinks decided they wanted to wear their matching outfits. This morning Sydney wanted nothing to do with Courtney. She waited until she was done with her bath before getting in the water. Ate this point I was still under the assumption that they were going to wear their matching outfits so while Sydney bathed I got Courtney dressed in it. Sydney saw her and said I am not wearing what she is wearing! So Courtney changed she really wanted to wear her new butterfly dress anyways and downstairs she went happy as can be to eat her breakfast! Now Sydney gets out of the tub and puts on an out fit that clearly doesnt match. I try really hard to have her change but she wanted to either wear what she had on or the outfit she wore on Friday. It was clean but it;s her second day of school so I didnt want her to wear it. Alyssa came in and tried to help but nope she was not having anything of it. SO I tried again to no avail. I even put her Friday outfit up high in the closet to show her it wasnt an option. Then she stated she wanted her Daddy. So I came downstairs and up Jon went. He came down 2 minutes later with Sydney dressed in Fridays outfit with a smug smile on her face! He's like "if 2 grown women cant get a three year old dressed and she wants to wear a clean outfit she wore on Friday well so be it!" He just doesnt get it! Oh well she's happy, dressed and at school!

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