Wednesday, October 19, 2011

what a morning...

Samantha has always had a hard time waking up for school. I have to wake her at least an hour before she has to leave. This morning I woke her at 7:10 for the 8:10 bus pic up. I noticed the pants she set out last night were really dirty so I told her she couldnt wear them. I went and took a shower and came back around 7:30 and she was still lying in bed. Told her she 40 minutes until the bus was coming. At 7:45 she was still not dressed and she tried on about 5 different pairs of pants which were all over her floor. We just bought her new jeans on Sunday which she tells me now she doesnt like because they are to long and she doesnt like the way they look rolled up! At least she will grow into them but boy am I not looking forward to the teenage years if this is how she is acting at 6! She finally made it upstairs for her breakfast at 8 so she has 10 minutes to eat, brush her hair and teeth plus get her shoes on! What a mad rush!! Thankfully the bus has to go down the street because she wasnt ready when it came by but made it 3 minutes later when it came the other direction!! I tried not to talk to her because I was so mad at her slowness this morning that every time I said something I was yelling at her to hurry up!!

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