Saturday, June 19, 2010


Yesterday Sydney had to get a little filling on her back right tooth. Both the twinks baby teeth have weak enamel so this probably wont be the last time it happens. The dentist told me I need to have them stay away from sweet drinks and no soda which we pretty much already do so I have a feeling this will be happening again. Plus they are suppose to brush their teeth twice a day which we are really bad at. Really good at the before bed part but bad at the after breakfast part. They wanted to "gas" her for the procedure but I really didnt want to do that to her so they tried it with out it and she did great! (Saved me $55 bucks too) She stayed still the whole time but at one point she cried a little bit. I really like this dentist. He kept giving her little breaks so she would have to have her mouth open the whole time. It was a procedure that should have been 5 minutes but they made it last 10 so she was happy. She is watching the movie "monsters and aliens" which is on the screen on the ceiling so that kept her distracted.

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